Can two simultaneous taps be used with a wall-hung water?
Yes, in 18 Litre models, however this is not generally suggested.
Yes, in 18 Litre models, however this is not generally suggested.
3 meters, however forced flue models do not have any restriction.
Based on the Iranian standards and building guidelines as well as the model requirements the chimney size for various models are as follows:
Other factors may affect the reduction in chimney size requirements, however these can only be approved by a certified BIG servicemen and after an on-site consultation.
Between 7 and 10 meters depending on various factors such as water heater model, piping and inlet temperature.
No, this is not suggested.
Installations in these areas are not done by BIG and void the warranty due to operating dangers.
No, higher capacity water heaters have more installation restrictions.
Installation of the water heater on the wall, the connections for gas, water, and the chimney are included. All piping must be prepared before hand at the place of installation at the cost of the customer.
Yes, minor piping extension is required.
اظلاعات تماس
نشانی: تهران، سهروردی شمالی، هویزه شرقی، شماره۳۴
تلفن: ۰۲۱ ۸۳ ۵۲ ۰۰۰۰
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