Butane & Bosch agreement A strategic alliance in Iran’s heating industry

We are pleased to announce that Butane Industrial Group and Bosch Thermotechnology has signed a business contract.

With the signing of this agreement, Iran’s HVAC market will be expecting exciting days ahead…


Butane Industrial Group, with more than 63 years of industrial experience and service to Iranian customers, has signed a strategic agreement with Bosch. With this agreement, Butane is now the exclusive manufacturer, distributor and after sales service provider for all Residential Bosch Thermotechnology Products in Iran. Butane, with more than 1 1 million families as customer base, is the first and largest manufacturer of heating and water heating products in Iran.  This well-known brand, familiar to young and old Iranians alike, started its work with

gas appliances and gradually added various home appliances to its basket.  Customer satisfaction of Butane’s product quality is at such levels that, to this day and after 40 years, many Iranians have held onto their old Butane stoves.  With the advent of natural gas network expansion, Butane introduced the first gas water heaters followed by gas combi-boilers to the market. Today, with more than two decades of track record, Butane is considered the most sought-after brand in the

HVAC market of Iran.  In more recent years, with increasing volumes of export to Europe and Asia and after

breaking a record of 400 thousand units, Butane has become a well-known brand in  the European industry as well.

In line with its growth strategy, Butane has entered into this strategic agreement with Bosch in February. Looking at these two brands, many common themes stand out:

both companies believe in manufacturing modern products, respect for the environment and providing outstanding service to their customers. The similarities of these two brands are even more highlighted by the words of their corresponding founders. Butane’s founder is well known for reminding his employees: “The dust from the customer’s steps is the healer of our eyes”‘. And the most famous quote from Bosch’s founder is “I would rather lose money than trust”. It is interesting to note that Bosch first started working in Iran more than 93 years ago. From then on and gradually, Bosch continued with various activities in this market. In May 2016, Bosch established an office in Tehran and now with the signing of this agreement with Butane, it has renewed its serious commitment to the Iranian market. Bosch Group has more than 73 billion Euros of sales revenue, 390 thousand employees and is present in 150 countries in the world. The commitment of this group to modern technology can be easily identified by the allocation of 10% of its sales revenue and 59 thousand R&D engineers. These enormous resources are

dedicated to the task of shaping a safer, more economical, more convenient, and more environmentally friendly life for all people. Bosch Thermotechnology, one of the divisions of Robert Bosch Group is the international leader in the areas of residential heating and water heating, cooling and energy management. Bosch Thermotechnology has more than 14.5 thousand employees and with 3.3 billion Euros is present all over the world. The commitment of this division to environment takes shape in the form of designing modem products with low energy consumption.  Furthermore, the strategic partnership of these two strong brands, has positive outcomes for the national interest and industry, job creation for young Iranian talents

being an important one of them.  This cooperation would be the start of a new chapter, bringing about more comfort and convenience to Iranian customers – a reliable choice for all.

Butane has been Awarded Consumer Rights’ Golden Prize

For eight consecutive years;

Butane has been Awarded Consumer Rights’ Golden Prize

At 15th National Conference of Consumer Rights Protection, Butane Industrial Group has received the golden statuette as the patron of consumer rights for eight consecutive year.

After being evaluated by professional and technical committees of Consumers and Producers Rights Organization, which consists of representatives from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME); Ministry Agriculture; Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare; Economic Affairs and Finance; the National Standard Organization (ISIRI); experts from Ministry of Industry and Business; Central Bank; National Association of Consumer Rights Protection; and Iran Chamber of commerce, Butane has been recognized as the patron of consumer rights in the field of heating facilities producers.

Each year at 28th of February, coinciding with the National Day of Consumer Rights Protection, national conference of consumer rights protection held that this year, like the past 7 years Butane as the only active company operating in the field of heating facilities won this award.

Fifteenth Conference of National Day of Consumer and Producer Rights Protection held with the presence and lectures of Mr. Nematzadeh Minister of Industry and Business; Mr. Abu Torabi Fard First Deputy Chairman of the Parliament; Mr. Mojtaba Khosrotaj Deputy Minister of Industry and Business; Mr. Mahmoud Navabi Vice-Chairman of the Consumer Rights Organization; Mrs. Nayereh Piruzbkht president of the National Standard Organization; and other related officials and experts.

It is worth noting that Butane Industrial Group, was designated as “Pre-eminent Standard Unit” by the National Standard Organization of Iran in October 2015, and in February 2016 was recognized as one of the units of the “Green Industry” by the Department of Environment.

Receiving this prestigious award is an honor we received from our beloved customers. We would like to congratulate the big Butane Family. We hope to achieve greater success in the coming year.

Butane, selected unit of “green industry” of the country

Butane, Winner of “Iranian Green Industry” Award


Butane Industrial Group is selected as one of the winners of “Green Industry” of the country by the Department of Environment. Butane Industrial Group was nominated among 500 participating companies in the selection process of green industries in 2015, qualified as one of the 31 companies, and finally was elected as the winner of “Green Industry” award in 2015.

On February 15, in a ceremony with presence of the first vice president, Dr. Ishagh Jahangivi, Mrs. Masoume Ebtekar, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency and a group of managers and experts in the field of environment, the “Iranian Green Industry” award was presented to the Butane Industrial Group. By the start of the year, Butane Industrial Group participated in the process of registration, evaluation and complex selection process of Green Industry in the Department of environment, had good coordination and cooperation with the organization and was able to follow-up and provide timely and appropriate documents, was elected as one of 31 companies chosen by the Green Industry of the country.

It should be noted that last year the prestigious organizations in the field of environmental evaluation criteria including (UNIDO) and this year the (GIZ) Institute affiliated with the United Nations Development, cooperating with Environmental Protection Agency have verified and authenticated the Green Industry certifications.

Verona, the new boiler family of Butane

Verona boilers family, new and updated generation of Butane Italian boilers, which designed in Italy and produced using the best European parts by Butane.

This family now includes two models: Verona 24Rsi and Verona 24i. These models with a capacity of 24 kW have two converters and  two different type, open combustion chamber and closed combustion chamber with utilizes European technologies are on Butane production lines.

Due to the utilization of the Verona new family from new technology, issues related to the installation ant setting up of Verona model is different from the other boiler models; so training of Authorized operators has been started on these models across the country.

Features of Verona boiler Models:

      • Compliance operation with environmental conditions (especially the RSi model)
        • Equipped with intelligent combustion control as to the continued safe operation in specific environmental conditions such as severe wind
      • Special flow meter
        • The vulnerability of the flow meter system against to Minerals and particles in the water
      • Advanced diagnostic system
        • Intelligent diagnostic system with display of 24 errors and save 10 error code of the latest warning to access to the history of error codes and troubleshooting easier
      • Resistance to adverse environmental factors such as dust (especially the RSi model)
        • Low cost maintenance due to lack of vulnerability to dust in outdoor
      •  provide hot water in a very short time

For more information please click here

Butane presence in the 14th Tehran International Exhibition facilities:

Butane Group has set up a section at the 14th international exhibition of heating and cooling installations and systems to introduce their new products in the field of heating installations and industry.

In this exhibition package Perla 32 RSi for heating environments with an area of more than 250 square meters, was introduced to fans and Verona package with new combustion technology was visited.

Butan’s new wall boiler with connection to the chimney with a diameter of 10 cm in two BX214i and BX114 models has been presented at the show.

Butan unveiled their new product, the connector duct and wall boiler package in the exhibition.

Butan also according to their mission of providing comfort for all buyers, placed at the disposal of the visitors the software product selector to choose the right products facility for various climates, in this exhibition,

The 14th international exhibition of heating and cooling installations and systems was held from 17 to 20 October at Tehran international exhibition and Butane group in hall 6, has been receptive to many of our clients.

Butane, national standards unit

We are honored to inform you that Butane Group was selected from Iran’s national standards organization, as a qualitative sample at the national level.

The official ceremony was held on Tuesday 13th October in Hall Summit, the golden award was awarded to Butane group for Courage and effort to manage knowledgeable, enthusiastic and benevolent staff.

While congratulating for the great honor we point out to all your loved ones Importance and difference of this course with the previous ones at this point is; In previous years, 22 companies were selected as the unit, but this year that number fell to 10 that Butane Group was selected as one of the top 10 companies. So much more difficult to compete for the title this year and get that title was more important.

During the ceremony, in addition to Executive Vice President, Attorney General, a group of honorable representatives of Parliament, members of the Assembly of Experts, members of the Commission and the mining industry, chambers of commerce and industry of the country were participated.